More things that happened
Submitted by Kimon
(Image by Anders Dunker for Rediscovering Earth)
Continuing on The Ministry for the Future related news:
Crooked Timber organized a full on-line seminar around Ministry, with some great content and great commentators. Links to all articles:
- Henry Farrell: Technocracy and Empire
- Maria Farrell: What is Ours is Only Ours to Give
- Jessica Green: Can the World’s Bankers Really Save the Climate?
- Oliver Morton: On Solar Geoengineering and Kim Stanley Robinson
- Suresh Naidu: This Is How It Gets Better
- John Quiggin: Half the Earth?
- Olúfémi O. Táíwò: What’s In Our Way?
- Todd Tucker: Ministry for Your Future Soul
- Belle Waring: The Sudden Tempest of Ultimate Summer
- Kim Stanley Robinson: Response
Related to that, following a very successful book club on Ministry, Bryan Alexander interviewed KSR: Academia, climate change, and the future
KSR gets a mention to set the context for an interview with Delton Chen, the man behind the carbon coin idea developed in Ministry, in the Wall Street Journal: Could a ‘Carbon Coin’ Save the Planet?
More stuff that happened in 2021 that I didn't previously cover:
Interviews or events that have put their material online (I wonder what would happen to the world if YouTube were to go offline):
- The mayor of Orlando and KSR delivered the opening keynote for the online event Higher Ground: Building the Cities We Need for Climate Change. Recording on YouTube.
- At a webinar by the Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy, KSR spoke about The Global South in the Imagining of Climate Futures. Recording on YouTube. There's even a transcript of the Q&A!
- Fittingly enough for Ministry, KSR was interviewed by Zurich's Tages Anzeiger: Wie die Welt gerettet werden könnte (in German, paywalled).
- KSR also wrote a kind of a love letter to Zurich for Tages Anzeiger, remembering the year he spent there with his wife in the 1980s: In Zürich hatten wir zwei der schönsten Jahre unseres Lebens ("We had two of the best years of our lives in Zurich"; in German, paywalled, but there's a nice photo!).
- KSR spoke to the Libros Schmibros podcast, on his writing, Kenneth Rexroth, the Sierras, and more, see podcast services and on YouTube.
- On the occasion of an exhibition on Mars at Barcelona's CCCB, Mars. The Red Mirror, KSR spoke to CCCB: Mars: Utopia? Recording on YouTube.
- KSR and Michael Mann talked at the Tucson Festival of Books: The Future Is Now for Climate Change, the recording is available on their site.
- KSR talked at the Northern California Science Writers Association: The Future of Science and Society. The recording is on YouTube.
- KSR participated to the Brazilian literary festival Relampeio: Eco-crítica na Ficção Científica. Recording available on YouTube.
- At the University of Colorado Boulder's 2021 Conference on World Affairs, KSR participated to an event on Fixing Spaceship Earth: Our Past, Present and Future. The recording is available on YouTube.
- KSR and philosopher Roman Krznaric participated to an event organized by the British Library: Future Thinking. The recording is on YouTube.
- KSR participated to an outreach event of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change -- more specifically, IPCC WGIII eLAM4 (!) -- together with IPCC scientists and representatives of youth activist movements: Climate change and our future. Driving the transition. The recording is available on YouTube.
- KSR spoke to the French public radio/podcast, France Culture, on La méthode scientifique, about the whole of his career -- nearly all of his work has been translated into French! His voice is dubbed over for the show.
- KGB Bar's Fantastic Fiction reading series had an event with KSR and Nancy Kress. The recording is on YouTube.
- KSR joined Arizona State University/New America's Climate Imagination Fellows in a discussion on writing, also available on YouTube.
Some short interviews:
- In The Guardian, along with other SF&F writers: sci-fi writers on how they build their worlds. KSR's bit starts with "I don’t like the term world-building"!
- In The Atlantic, Don't Cancel John Muir, KSR weighs in in favour of John Muir.
- In The Mercury News, Dive into California’s science fiction scene — from LeGuin to Philip K. Dick, along with a short interview of KSR.
- In The Washington Post, Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity. Here’s how filmmakers have tried to make sense of it all. -- with a short quote by KSR.
- In the Los Angeles Times, KSR gives his recommendation of fellow writer Jonathan Lethem and his latest nover The Arrest.
- KSR recommeds and provided a blurb for Karl Schroeder's Stealing Worlds and Eliot Peper's Veil.
Some things in print + Forewords:
- A while ago, Arizona State University's Center for Science and the Imagination published its digital anthology Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures. It includes an interview with KSR + quotes from Red Mars sprinkled throughout. It can be entirely downloaded on their site.
- KSR's 2015 essay, Our Generation Ships Will Sink, was included in the anthology What Future, edited by Torie Bosch & Roy Scranton, by Unnamed Press.
- KSR wrote the foreword to Matthew J. Brown's Science and Moral Imagination: A New Ideal for Values in Science, by University of Pittsburg Press.
- KSR wrote the foreword to the One Project book The New Possible: Visions of our world beyond crisis, by Cascade Books. Review.
- An interview with KSR is part of Anders Dunker's book Rediscovering Earth by OR Books.
- KSR wrote the introduction to a new edition of George R Stewart's 1949 Earth Abides, by HMH Books.
- KSR provided the foreword to a collection of Stanislaw Lem's stories, The Truth and Other Stories, by MIT Press. Review.
- KSR contributed to Liam Young's book Planet City, by Uro Publications. A visual book, "a vision of a future where 10 billion people converge in one hyperdense megalopolis, surrendering the rest of the planet to a global wilderness"! Article and visuals on this item. Another article.
And, finally, something for the collectors! Thomas Gladysz gathered up the author trading cards from author events at the Booksmith bookshop in San Francisco, see his website with the complete details. Kim Stanley Robinson had two, #314 from 1999 celebrating the release of The Martians, and # 911 from 2008 celebrating the release of Sixty Days and Counting.