24 Jul 2011

Rethinking Capitalism videos

Submitted by Kimon

Videos from the Bruce Initiative on Rethinking Capitalism 2011 conference at UC Santa Cruz, April 7-9 2011 (previously announced on KSR.info here), have surfaced on their website.

First is Kim Stanley Robinson's panel, where he speaks about (post-)capitalism, science fiction, science, history, historiography...

Stan Robinson also appeared on two more panels (presentations followed by discussion and Q&As):

April 7: Keynote Panel: Telling the Story of 2008: Realistic, Utopian and Apocalyptic Narratives of What Could Have Happened
Andrew Barry, School of Geography, University of Oxford
Kim Stanley Robinson, Science fiction author known for his Mars trilogy
Lynn Stout, Corporate and Securities Law, University of California Los Angeles
Graham Ward, Contextual Theology and Ethics, University of Manchester

Dick Bryan, Political Economy, University of Sydney

April 8: ROUND TABLE 1: Eschatology, Visualization and Scenario Planning
Andrew Barry, School of Geography, University of Oxford
Karin Knorr Cetina, Sociology, University of Constance, Germany
Daniel Friedman, Economics, UC Santa Cruz
Dai Jinhua, Comparative Literature and Culture, Beijing University, Resident Fellow Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley
Andrew Mathews, Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz
Darel Paul, Political Science, Williams College
Paolo Quattrone, Accounting, IE Business School
Kim Stanley Robinson, Science fiction author known for his Mars trilogy
Shyam Sunder, Accounting, Economics and Finance, Yale University
Graham Ward, Contextual Theology and Ethics, University of Manchester

Both panels covered much more than their announced topics: different forms of capitalism across states, new accounting methods, international regulation and law, post-secular societies, sociobiology, marxism, the role of the state, capitalism in China, ...

There's a lot to learn and think about here, and not only in these panels above. The reader of Robinson's works might find other panels interesting as well, such as this one by Lynn Stout, presenting results from research on psychology, behavioral economics, evolutionary biology and conscience -- things that Frank Vanderwal (from the Science in the Capital trilogy) would enjoy a lot!